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For Tuesday, August 30: My Little Girl

"Daddy's Girl" is a real thing.  I know.  I'm one and my redheads are ones as well.  :) 
There is a special relationship between a Daddy and his little girl (who, btw, will ALWAYS be little in his eyes and heart - just ask my Daddy!  I'm 37 but I'm his little girl).  I think the relationship is unexplainable.  A little girl brings out emotions and behaviors in a Daddy that I think takes most Daddy's by surprise!  All of a sudden shotguns are considered, memories of being a teenager are forgotten, and mistakes made as a teen boy serve as projections for how to parent her.  Admittedly some Dad's handle being a Dad way better than others. 
My hub, Lanny, is a fantastic Daddy.  He waited a long time to have a family and his personality is well-suited to girls rather than boys.  He would agree with me btw.  :)  Anyone who knows Lanny knows how much he loves his little girls.  True, his little girls are 13 and 11 but not to him.  I have to remind him pretty often that they aren't toddlers anymore.  He only pouts a little bit when I remind him.  :)  It's fun to watch him with his girls.  And the adoration?  Oh it's totally mutual.  Our redheaded wonders love their Daddy and I think partly because he's done a great job of being their Dad and not their friend.  (The whole "be their friend not their parent" thing?  Yeah.  That doesn't work.) 
My Daddy (yes, I still call him that - back off) is amazing.  Not only is he amazing with me, his little girl but he is also amazing as a Grandpa (we call him Papa).  The redheads love their Papa and have spent LOTS of time with him as well as Gma.  My Daddy and I are a lot alike in looks and personality and so we get along rather well.  :)  While my Dad is quiet in a lot of his expressions of love he always makes sure that I know he's for me.  A while back he sent me a card in the mail (we live 14 miles apart mind you!) just to let me know that he was for me as I walked through this hard valley I've been in (which I'm basically emerged from for anyone wondering!).  Daddy (and my Mom - who I call Madre, Mommy, Mom, Ma) are great about letting me know that they are for me.  And I don't mind telling people that I am a Daddy's girl 'cause I am and I'm proud of it!  :)
(Oh and a shout out thanks to Misty Huss who shot this song my way!)

My Little Girl


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