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Happy "Monday" of this work week!  :)  My friend, Gary, thought this would be a good Friday song but I think actually it fits Monday better because in my experience people generally on Monday's feel a little "growl-y".  :)  Seems that people are trying to cage their inner monster that is protesting being back at work after a weekend AND in the case of 3 days weekends like we just had it seems even worse!  
I've featured Skillet before on the experiment.  Our family loves Skillet, especially my rocker hub and the youngest redhead who is obsessed with one of their older tunes, "Whispers in the Dark".  Skillet blows the idea of cheesy Christian rock to bits.  This ain't Stryper people.  :) They are legit in their talent and their hearts.   
Monster is a great calling people out kind of song.  It's gritty, edgy, and dead on in its message.  It's about that inner Monster that most of us have.  Sometimes the monster resembles Cookie Monster :) but sometimes the monster resembles something much more dark and sinister.  We try to cage it, control it but the problem is that people around us don't know what triggers our monsters to make an appearance and if we don't take steps to tame the beast then life is pretty miserable for most everyone.  Anger is the monster that eats away at relationships, both with God and people.  Anger feeds our monster if we haven't taken necessary steps to deal with the source of it.  We all struggle with something but Anger is the name of the monster that will ultimately destroy you in all areas of your life. Anger wants to control you rather than you control it.  It will overtake you and you will lose everything and everyone you care about.  People like the Cookie Monster, other ones not so much.  :) So if your monster is Anger I implore you to address it, rips out the feed source and allow your monster to be transformed into a cookie eating, cookie loving, blue fuzzy dude.  By the way, interesting observation.  When the song first came out for radio play do you know who the number one fans of the song were?  MOMS.  Unfortunately having kids seems to bring out the best AND worst in parents and a lot of Mom's said they related to the song because they often struggle with anger.  And that's no joke, they were being straight up for real.  Think your wife, or your husband, doesn't need prayer and support/help?  Think again. 
Feeling growl-y today?  Maybe have a cookie!  Seems to work for the Cookie Monster! :)

Parody Song - Momster by Wally with Total Axxess (scroll down the page to #6 and click download)


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