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What's the importance of training? 
How necessary is it really? 
(Please tell me you know those are rhetorical questions.) 

Here's two scenarios for us to consider about the necessity of training:
1) I am guilty of being in a hurry and forsaking training up the child in the way she should go (as it relates to life skills) in favor of just getting it done. Small view it gets done quickly and correctly (which is my way of course). But large view is I do a disservice to my girls who need to know how to do those things as well - and why we do them. If I never slow down and operate in the large view mindset, my children are going to grow up to be really awful roommates - not knowing how to clean anything, do dishes, do laundry, etc. 
2) I had a boss who wanted to delegate some tasks to me but wouldn't take the time to train me. He felt he was too busy. I kept reminding him that if he took the large view and took the time to train me he wouldn't regret that time. He would, in fact, gain so much time in the large view. He very rarely believed/listened to me and I ended up *begging* for training and he ended up continuing to complain that he was still doing those tasks. It was incredibly frustrating. If he had taken the time we both would have been a lot happier. 

Here Are 6 Truths That Underscore The Importance of Training:
1. Untrained Employees = Unhappy Employees. [or untrained family members = unhappy Mommy]
2. Untrained Workers Have a Low Production Value. [or untrained family members have a low production value, i.e. the chore chart never gets filled in]
3. Untrained Workers Are Inefficient. [or untrained family members don't contribute to household maintenance but rather lack of cleanliness/organization]
4. Lost Time/Money Due to Mistakes.
5. An Increase in Miscellaneous Expenses.
6. Insufficient Staff Training Means Lost Customers. [or insufficient family training means lost Mommy sanity]


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