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It's easy to thank the people in our lives who have made a difference that we perceive as positive. 

For example, my sophomore history teacher made a huge difference in my life - through his stellar teaching I grew to love history and develop an interest in it - a lifelong love of it. 

Or Ellen DeGeneres. She, without knowing me and I not truly knowing her, has made a difference in my life with her examples of kindness, grace, and generosity. 

It's easy to thank those people. But what about the people who have been a negative participant in our lives?
What about thanking the people who have been sandpaper in our lives or like the stone in a shoe that we can't shake loose? I've been thinking about this the past couple of years as I've had to interact with some really unpleasant people who have, by their words and actions, reminded me how NOT to be. Really I owe them some gratitude. Of course, due to their behaviors if I send them a thank you note they would think they made a difference to me in a way that was complementary to them. I'm trying to decide if that matters or not. I've really considered writing notes to a few people thanking them for making a difference in my life without specifics. Do *you* have any thoughts on this?  

Well, regardless of whether I actually thank those unpleasant people in my life or not, I'm taking time today to be thankful for the things I did learn from them - the reminders they were to me about respecting others, selfishness, grace, etc. And I will, of course, make sure I reach out to the positive impacts in my life and thank them - that's a must! 


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