Today I'm thinking about the necessity, the vitality of arts & music education. In the United States we have chosen to focus on incomplete education. We have elevated common core education and neglected arts and music education. This has ramifications that we are beginning to see with the later millennials and we have yet to see as this incomplete education continues. The current president of the United States has contributed to the problem by continuing to threaten cutting the funding to the National Endowment for the Arts (among other arts based organizations) which supports, in part, education in schools.
Diminishing the roles of art and music (and physical activity through P.E. classes) is a huge mistake for our nation and for the citizens of our nation. Check out these skills we learn from arts and music, seems like they would be pretty important to common core education...
The research showing the benefits of art and music education far outweigh any negatives critics can scrape up from the bottom of their crap barrels. (You could say I feel very strongly about this.) Check out just a few articles about the importance for each of us to have arts and music education:
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