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November 4, 2015

Stress Awareness Day
We are so ridiculously stressed that there is an institute specifically devoted to stress awareness and treatment! That's crazy. It's the American Institute of Stress. I have a crazy feeling that we are the only country in the world that has this problem.
50 common signs and symptoms of stress
10 Scary Things It's [stress] Doing To Your Body
April is Stress Awareness Month so back then we really dug into the issues stress can cause.  Refer back to April for further tips.

Use Your Common Sense Day
How to Develop Common Sense: Common sense isn't a one-stop-destination; it's a way of thinking that needs constant nourishing and application.
Amazingly enough, there's an essential oil for Common Sense! It has in it; Frankincense – for overcoming stress. And when we aren’t stressed, we think more clearly.
YlangYlang- to calm, relax and help release feelings of anger, tension and nervous irritability. I’m seeing a pattern here. Stress = bad thinking.
Ocotea – contains high levels of alpha- humulene to balance the body’s response to irritation
Rue- to relax the body and mind, counter stressed nerves and rebalance energy.
Dorado Azul- to promote healthy lung function and support measured breathing (because we can’t THINK when we are hyperventilating, can we?)
Lime- to counter negativity.

King Tut Day 
The History and Life of King Tut
The REAL face of King Tut: According to 'virtual autopsy'
The Controversial Afterlife of King Tut


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