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April 12, 2015

17 years ago I spent this day laboring to bring my sweet redheaded beauty, Bella, into the world and our lives. Our family hasn't been the same since!  What a great 17 years it has been so far. She is her name over and over and growing to be more and more like it.  She is joy and fun in out lives.  Happiest birthday my sweet Bella, you have my heart! 

Licorice Day
Licorice Around the World
The Real Information on Licorice
Before it was a candy it was used for medicinal purposes, and still is 
Licorice: The History of the Candy

Walk on your Wild Side Day
What's the wildest thing you wanted to do but haven't? As long as it is legal, go for it today! :)

Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
Cooked bread and cheese is an ancient food, according to food historians, popular across the world in many cultures; evidence indicates that in the U.S., the modern version of the grilled cheese sandwich originated in the 1920s when inexpensive sliced bread and American cheese became easily available. The so-called cheese dream became popular in the United States of America during the Great Depression.

It was originally made as an open sandwich, but the top slice of bread became common by the 1960s. U.S. government cookbooks describe Navy cooks broiling "American cheese filling sandwiches" during World War II. Many versions of the grilled cheese sandwich can now be found on restaurant menus across the United States and internationally.

50 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches - riffing on the classic
Become a Master at The Grilled Cheese Academy
Grown-Up Grilled Cheese

Big Wind Day
World Record Winds
Night of the Big Wind
Big Wind Power

Russian Cosmonaut Day
A list of Russian Cosmonauts
4th Russian Woman in Space
The History of the Soviet Space Program


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