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Why yes, my personal baggage DOES have rollers!

It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.  Lena Horne

We all have some baggage to carry.  Sometimes it's short-term and other times it's long-term.  But baggage is baggage.  Awkward, weighty, cumbersome, kind of a hassle.  There's technique in how to handle baggage with ease, grace, and without making it seem as if it has us totally flustered!  It isn't the baggage that flusters us so much as it is our technique in carrying it.  In the literal sense of baggage, before the days of rolling luggage carrying around luggage was a P.A.I.N.  Amiright?  But nowadays almost all luggage is rolling luggage and life has sure gotten a lot easier for travel!  What if we approached our personal baggage the same way?  What if we quit trying to lug it around but instead attached rollers to it? We would be able to handle it, manage it, carry it a lot easier.  Right?  What do rollers on our own personal baggage look like?  Looks like people to help us distribute the load more evenly, people to help us get rid of the load, it looks like us not beating ourselves up for mistakes but learning from them and using those lessons to move forward, it looks like not carrying baggage that isn't ours - don't pick up someone else's baggage!  There are other ways in which rollers can be attached to our personal luggage but those are the few that immediately came to mind.
Also, when we are carrying personal baggage that is awkward, weighty, cumbersome, and causing us hassle there's also the technique which we have to apply.  We could get all irked and snippy and morose which in turn causes everyone around us to feel the same way (just sayin') or we could breathe deep, adjust our perspective, and allow grace to carry us forward.  Be honest, the second technique is better, yes?  When I was leading a missions trip to Kenya in '09 my mentor and Pastor told me this important tip about traveling - whether it be in a large group or solo or somewhere in between those two.  STOP and BREATHE.  Give myself, and others who might be with me, a chance to get my bearings before I just plow ahead and try to figure out where I need to go.  Just STOP and take a moment to look around and gain understanding of where I need to go.  It's brilliant advice but oh so hard for the impatient people that we are!  But that advice he gave me transfers to today's quote and the technique I just talked about (the better one that is).  Don't be impatient with the baggage you are carrying.  STOP and BREATHE.  Get your bearings, adjust your grip, and then move forward.  Carry your loads smarter not harder!  


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