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Trumpet of Jesus

I had completely forgotten all about The Imperials.  My Dad listened to them all of the time when I was growing up.  Seems to me I should remember some of their songs but I'm drawing a huge blank AND I really don't think I have ever heard this particular song!  My Dad really likes Phillips, Craig & Dean and listening to The Imperials gives me insight as to why.  Very similar in harmonies and song styles, etc.  

Turns out that this song seems to be a fave of a good friend, Lisa.  And since I haven't heard it before I looked it up on YouTube and Google for the lyrics.  I love the overall message of this song.  If you confess with your mouth AND heart that Jesus is Lord then you are living life to a different tune.  You march to a different drumbeat than the rest of the world.  You see life through different lenses.  Your perspective isn't as important as God's. 

This happens more and more to me.  The older I get the more I settle myself into the ways of God rather than try to straddle a fence between the world and God.  Straddling gets a little hard after awhile.  For example, I heard an interesting statistic the other day about politics and religion.  Seems that the majority of people these days who make up "the church" have let politics shape their religion and their view of God while God calls us to actually allow our religion to shape our politics.  I have said this for a long time.  People will ask me my political viewpoint and it is this, "Morality MATTERS."  And I say that because I am allowing the word of God to shape my opinions on politics, etc.  That's just one example of marching to a different drumbeat.  

Swimming upstream against the flow is never easy.  In fact it is quite tiring and trying.  But some day a trumpet will sound and my heart will hear it and respond.  I wonder.  Will yours?  If you don't know then contact me and I'd be happy to explain it to you in detail.   :)

Trumpet of Jesus (1984 Live Show)
Trumpet of Jesus (2007 Live Show)


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