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365: Celebrating Life

Life. We rarely celebrate it. Oh sure, we celebrate birthdays and we celebrate some holidays but the day-to-day life?  The day-to-day when life is actually lived?  We don’t celebrate that very often.  We allow the mundane to overshadow our days, weeks, months, and before we know it years. No wonder we drag ourselves in and out of daily responsibilities without a whole lot of “bright side” perspective.

Last spring I happened to see from my Facebook feed that it was National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day. I thought to myself, “That NEEDS to be celebrated!” I’m a “from scratch” baker but the work day was already well under way by the time this came on my radar so I went to the store at lunch, bought chocolate chip cookies and handed them out at work. It’s true that anytime there is free food at my workplace the masses descend but what happened this day was a light bulb moment for me. Almost everyone hit the kitchen at the same time and I stood back and watched faces light up, taste buds enjoy, mingling happening, there was laughter and a sense of relief for just a moment in the midst of a mundane workday.  I smiled and I knew what my next 365 needed to be.

I believe we all need a reminder of celebrating life. And yes, something as simple as a chocolate chip cookie can be part of celebrating the day.  A few years ago, on a different blog, I did periodic posts of the secular and sacred of life.  My point then, as it still is, is that life is secular and sacred and sometimes they are so tangled up that you can’t see what the secular is or what the sacred is.  As the years go by I find myself appreciating more and more that the secular and sacred intermingle so much that I have to treat them the same way.  You know what?  That’s okay.  In so much secular I see the sacred and unfortunately in so much sacred I see secular. That’s when I personally look to Christ. But that’s not what this is about right now.

For the next 365 days we are going to purposefully celebrate life together, every single day. If you Google “unofficial holidays” or “unique holidays” you will be served up a million websites that give you a list of what holiday is celebrated on what day of each year. Some of them are mindless, some are awareness days, some are fundraising days, and almost every single one of them have at least one food or beverage to celebrate! I chose two websites to use exclusively so there will certainly be discrepancies from time to time with other websites but that's okay. So with the hope we won’t gain too much weight on our bodies but we will gain some new knowledge about our world and things we haven’t known before let’s celebrate this life we've been given to live!

Welcome to 365 days of celebrating life, 
I can’t wait to hear from you and how you choose to celebrate each day!  


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