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Showing posts from December, 2014

365: Celebrating Life

Life. We rarely celebrate it. Oh sure, we celebrate birthdays and we celebrate some holidays but the day-to-day life?  The day-to-day when life is actually lived ?  We don’t celebrate that very often.  We allow the mundane to overshadow our days, weeks, months, and before we know it years. No wonder we drag ourselves in and out of daily responsibilities without a whole lot of “bright side” perspective. Last spring I happened to see from my Facebook feed that it was National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day. I thought to myself, “That NEEDS to be celebrated!” I’m a “from scratch” baker but the work day was already well under way by the time this came on my radar so I went to the store at lunch, bought chocolate chip cookies and handed them out at work. It’s true that anytime there is free food at my workplace the masses descend but what happened this day was a light bulb moment for me. Almost everyone hit the kitchen at the same time and I stood back and watched faces light up,...