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Day 70: King of MY Jungle

Today blows.  No really it does.  Some days just stink and today is one of those days.  I could feel it was going to be this way when my hurting and aching back kept me up a lot of the night.  I could sense it as I arrived to work and people were draggy.  I knew it within myself, I was grumpy and out of sorts. Today blows.  And then someone, the same one from this post, threw a fit about something so insignificant and ridiculous that I got upset.  This particular person is going to end up in a lot of my posts because they can often be like sandpaper on my days. So my day went from grumpy to tears in about the span of 10 minutes. I went and hid in the bathroom for a few minutes trying to compose myself.  And then since I'm a girl I couldn't just suck it up so I sat in my boss' office and cried in front of him.  *smh*  The thing is, their little ridiculous fits shouldn't upset me.  It should just roll like water off a duck's back but, well, today blows. And sometimes the day blows. But here's where I am seeking out the Gratitude Attitude.  (In fact if we are friends on Facebook you might have seen this earlier today as my status.)  "Well the day has just begun and I'm already running late.  With too many irons in the fire and too much on my plate. I'd be pulling out my hair if I could just get one hand free, and I'd stop this world if I could find the key. And what I feel is telling me I'm going crazy, but what is real says God's still on His throne. What I'll need is to remember one thing, that the Lord of the gentle breeze is Lord of the rough and tumble and He is the King of [MY] Jungle." (Steven Curtis Chapman - King of the Jungle)  My Gratitude Attitude for today is that in my jungle I have a King who sees all, even what I don't see, and who cares about every minute detail of what's going on. I have a King who is Lord over the sunshine days and the foggy days.


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