To have a gratitude attitude is a gift; to get a gratitude attitude can be a challenge. Sometimes it is easy, the gratefulness presents itself so clearly. Other times you have to search for it. I'm reminded of the verse in Isaiah that says there is treasure to be found in the darkness. Sometimes gratefulness feels like that, hidden in the dark. For years I have said that I was grateful to God for the life he had given me but I meant the big things. You know, the breathing, the heartbeat, things like that. What I was missing in keeping a gratitude attitude was the key ingredient. The seemingly mundane, the day in and day out that made up life. To focus in on those ordinary things, oftentimes invisible to the naked eye and heart, builds a foundation of gratitude. Once we have a foundation of gratitude we start looking at life and living life a bit differently. We want other people to have gratitude attitudes and be filled the way we are...