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Day 180: Make a Move Events

What in the world, you may be asking, is a "Make a Move" event? Well it's something I initiated a couple of years ago, inspired by my friend Lori.  Basically we send out an invite for people to join us in assembling "blessing" bags for the homeless. We fill gallon sized Ziploc bags with hygiene items, socks, non-perishable food items, and my hub and I add in Subway gift cards.  We send out a list of what we are looking for, we take donations and buy suggested items with those donations, and then we take an hour on a designated Saturday and make up as many bags for men, women, and even children that we can.  It's AWESOME. Piles of socks, piles of razors, stacks of granola bars and tuna kits, full size bottles of soaps, travel sized bottles of soaps, piles of toothbrushes and toothpaste, etc.  And in about 30 minutes we can deplete those piles and stacks and make these bags up! I keep some of the bags in my car and look for opportunities to hand them out.  In addition I sometimes throw an extra thing in to the event, like most recently I decided to collect as many coats/hats/scarves/gloves/boots as I could.  We got very generous donations of coats and the like.  I was so excited! I'm grateful for these events, they help me and others connect more with those who have found themselves in distressing situations.


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