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Showing posts from August, 2013

Day 5: Challenged Perspective

This morning a friend posted a video on her FB wall and I had a few minutes to kill so I decided to give it a go.  Wow.  It was/is so powerful that it makes my Gratitude Attitude for today. This true story challenges my "woe is me" perspective that sometimes I get stuck in and muck around in.  It prompts in me a gratefulness for my life but also for people like Jeffery Wright who take what life offers and make the absolute most of it.  We need people, whether we know of them personally or hear about their stories through the grapevine, in our lives to challenge our perspectives and get us to see the good in life. Watch this story, it is worth the 12 minutes.  I hope, like it did with me, that it will challenge your perspective, because we all need a reboot from time to time.

Day 4: My Redheaded Songbird

I'm not sure that there are better ways to really kick off your day than to sit in a room and listen to your child in the next room pick out on the piano "Music of the Night" from Phantom of the Opera and sing along with it perfectly.  Her piano playing is natural and instinctual and her voice, well if you've heard it then you know, it is sublime.  I sat in the next room this morning and listened to this gifted child of mine playing and singing this incredibly difficult piece of music and I cried.  It was so beautiful tears filled my eyes and once again awe filled me.  I'm grateful for her gift that blesses us and others and for the gift she is.

Day 3: Orion

This morning I spied my familiar, faithful friend Orion.  I can't see him tonight due to cloud cover but I know he's there.  I have a fondness for Orion.  Ever since I was shown where he was in the sky in my elementary days I have been able to spot him in every sky.  I found myself this morning grateful for Orion, for the reminder he serves to me of the vastness of this universe, of how intricate our universe is weaved together, of how Someone greater than I has named each star and also named me. 

Day 2: Stoup

Today a co-worker brought me lunch. She had made some delicious stoup (that's a soup-stew) the other day and yesterday asked me to taste it. It was so yummy. So today she brought me a bowlful for my lunch! For no real reason, just because.  Gratitude for her show of hospitality filled me, as did her delicious stoup.

Day 1: Daybreak

Today, and actually yesterday if I'm being completely honest, I am grateful for daybreak.  Yesterday I happened to be caught by day breaking and today I experienced it.  (The picture was taken yesterday, today I was electronics free.) That moment when the black of the night sky is touched with a hint of deep blue.  And over the course of about a half hour the deep blue reaches up and erases the black and gives way to the bright blue of a fully risen sunny day.  Have you ever just sat and watched it happen?  (Yes it's early but worth it.)  The world, at least my immediate one, is quiet.  Holding its breath in anticipation of what the day may bring.  The slight breeze is stirring the air around me and prompting the trees to clap their hands, issuing an applause for the start of new day and new mercies.  (Darn it all if I can't take credit for that tree imagery, someone else brought it to me.)  At daybreak the quiet is soothing and gives me the space I need, that I crav

Is Gratitude my Attitude?

Welcome Back to the 365!   People might think I'm nuts for putting myself through the discipline of having to do something every single day for a year that doesn't seem to contribute to my existence (i.e. eating/drinking, sleeping, you know - breathing.  Those are all pretty important to do every day in order to exist).  But I have found, that while what I've done to date (a song a day and a quote a day) hasn't contributed to my physical existence, it has complimented my mental/emotional/spiritual existence.  And people, that's pretty darn important.  In fact, I would go so far as to say it is important to physical existence.  But that's just my humble opinion.  So here *we* go!  Another year of a glimpse into my mind and what I think about and my heart and what I dwell on. Is Gratitude my Attitude?  That's the focus for this next 365.  Hey!  Don't bail on me now.  I know the last two years were brilliant and that's all due to two of my besties,