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Showing posts from January, 2020

The End of Affirmation 365

I've been thinking about it for over a month. Usually, when I'm in it I'm engaged. But this time? I started it indifferent and I've felt indifferent all along. I should have never started. Hindsight is 20/20 they say and they aren't wrong. So when I opened my eyes this morning it was clear. It's time. Time to quit this 365. This is the first 365 that I haven't posted several of the days, the first 365 that I wasn't super excited about, the first 365 that I've quit. I've changed my social media presence and interactions the past year so this is also the first 365 that hardly anyone has been interested in. Is it the topic or my decision to not be as accessible on social media? Or is it some other reason altogether? Well, regardless...I'm throwing in the towel on this one. I can't say if I'll ever do another 365 again. Time will tell and I will know if and when it's time.

Affirmation Day 288

Walk Your Own Path, Do It Your Own Way Walking Your Own Damn Path

Affirmation Day 285

How to Maintain a Sense of Peace No Matter What Life Throws At You 4-Step Guide To Finding Inner Peace And Quieting Your Mind

Affirmation Day 284

You’re Worth It, So Why Don’t You Believe It?

Affirmation Day 283

Becoming Your Own Superhero – 8 Steps to Personal Strength Become Your Own Superhero! How to Be Your Own Superhero!

Affirmation Day 282

3 Steps to Living in Harmony with Yourself: When you are in harmony with yourself you are in harmony with everyone. How to Live in Harmony With Others 9 simple Principles that can help you find Harmony in Life: Finding harmony in disharmony

Affirmation Day 281

Affirmation Day 280

How to Improve Yourself Every day  (the article specifies a year, 2017, but these tips are good for any year) How to Be a Better Person Day by Day

Affirmation Day 279

Why You Must Celebrate Others' Success 6 Reasons to Celebrate Other People’s Success 5 Ways To Stop Resenting Other People's Success

Affirmation Day 277

How to Take Positive Action – just one small positive step!

Affirmation Day 274

You are unique… because you are different 17 Insights On What Makes A Person Unique You Always Have Value — Here’s How to Nurture It You’re More Valuable Than You Think

Affirmation Day 273

Don’t quit - replace: The key to changing your habits for good Change Any Habit Painlessly How to Change Unhealthy Habits

Affirmation Day 272

How to Believe in Yourself Believe in Yourself (And Why Nothing Will Work If You Don’t…) 10 Ways To Believe In Yourself Again When Life Gets Rough

Affirmation Day 270